官方版本:0.2 / 原文連結:這裡
Every time an individual retires a character, that player gains one extra perk to apply to all future characters they create. This effect is cumulative, so when a player retires their second character, their next character would gain two additional perks. Though this effect is applied to players, if one player is controlling multiple characters at once in a campaign (like for solo play, for instance), they should consider each "hand" they control a different player for this bonus.
"L"和"D"板塊"b"面的圖,因為印刷錯誤,跟場景書(scenario book)、隨機地城牌庫(random dungeon deck)上印的圖像相差180度。在設置這些板塊時,請確認它們的連結方向都正確,不要以板塊的圖為準(譯註:以場景書和隨機地城牌庫為準)。
The "b" sides of the "L" and "D" tiles are misprinted and have their art rotated by 180 degrees in relation to their puzzle piece connections when compared to the images in the scenario book and random dungeon deck. When setting up these tiles, make sure their puzzle connection orientation is correct and don't use the art as a reference.
Component count typos: The component list in the front of the rule book should say there are 28 "1" damage counters, 240 monster standees and 3 sealed envelopes. Also, there is no smaller envelope with a sun icon on it, as depicted in the picture.
Typo in special conditions for opening envelopes: The second item should read "The Drake's Command" instead of "The Drake's Request." When you achieve this goal, you earn "The Drake Aided" global achievement. Also, it is optional to open the envelope and earn the achievement, but once it is done, it is permanent.
詛咒(curse)牌庫分成2個,各10張。一個牌庫用來將詛咒牌放進玩家的攻擊修正(attack modifier)牌庫,另一個牌庫用來將詛咒牌放進怪物的攻擊修正牌庫。所以說,任何的攻擊修正牌庫都不可能有超過10張的詛咒牌。當詛咒牌從玩家的攻擊修正牌庫移除時,會回到玩家詛咒牌庫;當詛咒牌從怪物的攻擊修正牌庫移除時,會回到怪物詛咒牌庫。如果在場景開始時需要分配詛咒牌,那麼盡可能將它們平均分配給受到影響的玩家,如果有模稜兩可的情況則由玩家決定分配。
The curse deck is split into two equal decks of 10 cards each. One deck is exclusively for putting curse cards into the players' attack modifier decks, and the other is exclusively for putting curse cards into the monsters' attack modifier deck. So no single attack modifier deck can ever have more than 10 curse cards in it. When a curse card is removed from a player's attack modifier deck, it is returned to the player curse card deck, and a curse card removed from the monster attack modifier deck is returned to the monster curse card deck. If curses are distributed at the beginning of a scenario, distribute them as evenly as possible to all those affected, with players deciding cases of ambiguity.